
Hot Pot Culinary Events; Fresh Pasta!! 4/26/11

The event this week was a lovely 16 hour day, but I can assure you it was worth every minute. Grocery shopping, packing, a small flood, prep work, dicing dicing dicing, packing, driving, unpacking, some minor construction, setting up, and then the actual event itself could start. 


Everyone met up at Traffic Bar and Resturant on what was, so far, the loveliest night of the spring. 

This event was another flavor mash-up so the ingredients provided were preposterously delicious. There were two components the manufacturing of the dish, you could prepare your own ravioli stuffing and also your own sauce. 

The pasta dough was pre-made but the guests rolled them out their selves. 

Options for stuffings included soy beans, raisins, pumpkin pie filling, fresh fruit, minced veggies, herbs, peanut butter, and six or seven kinds of cheeses. 

As for the sauces, there were five bases; hot cream, melted butter, tomato paste, olive oil and pesto sauce. 

The possible combinations were truly endless. 

That's me in the chef coat, looking socially awkward, but very knowledgeable. 

It was a great night, and we had an interesting group of people who were all super easy going and very social. That always makes things better. 

Everyone had fun, and made lots of pasta and a mess. 

Looks like a fun little mess

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