
Hot Pot Culinary Events; Think outside the Guacs 4/20/11

My second event with Hot Pot was an awesome time. It was held at SideBar on 15th and Irving. Hot Pot supplied everyone with guacamole equipment and the restaurant provided a tasting menu of margaritas and home made tricolor nacho chips. 

(I have a serious weakness for tricolor anything edible)

It was a Flavor Mash Up event, meaning the guests were taught how to make traditional guacamole, but then given ingredients like Nutella and cranberries to incorporate into their master pieces.

(Nutella is good in/on everything)

This is just a shot of the room before the event started. I thought it looked lovely. The room was empty when we got there and I love being partly responsible for turning an empty space into something beautiful.

The event as a whole was an absolute hit. Lots of cool people came and made lots of cool guacamole.

Just a side note, I'm still in disbelief that I spent 4/20 surrounded by peanut butter guacamole, yet there was not a joint in sight.

Just a little strange.

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